Cash, Credit, & Budgeting: Your Financial Toolkit

At Central Willamette Credit Union, we believe that financial literacy is the foundation for a secure and prosperous future. To support your financial empowerment journey, we provide learning resources tailored for every stage of life.

In-Person Financial Literacy Classes

Join us for interactive, in-person financial literacy classes, where you can learn from experienced professionals and engage with peers. Our classes cover a wide range of topics, including budgeting, saving, investing, credit management, and more. Whether you're just starting out or looking to refine your financial skills, our hands-on approach will provide you with the knowledge and confidence you need to take control of your finances.

Benefits of In-Person Classes

  • Learn from experts: Gain financial knowledge from experienced professionals.
  • Engage with peers: Share experiences and network with others on their financial journey.
  • Hands-on learning:  Develop practical skills through interactive activities and exercises.

Self-Paced Online Learning

Prefer to learn at your own pace? Our partnership with Everfi offers you the flexibility to access high-quality financial literacy courses anytime, anywhere. These online courses are designed to be user-friendly and comprehensive, ensuring that you can build your financial knowledge at a pace that suits you.

Benefits of Self-Paced Online Learning:

  • Flexible Scheduling: Learn whenever and wherever it’s convenient for you.
  • Tailored Content: Choose from a variety of topics and customize your learning path.
  • The Best Part: it's completely free!

From budgeting basics to retirement goals,  you’ll find the resources you need to get started today!