Comparing auto loans before you commit can save you money if you go beyond the monthly payment. Our auto loan comparison calculator shows you the full cost of your loan options so you can go beyond the monthly payment in your decision. That way, you can find the best loan that fits your budget and negotiate the best deal.

Start on the left side of the calculator below and either adjust the sliders or enter the exact value for the loan amount, term, and interest rate for each of the loans you wish to compare.

As you change the values on the left, the calculator will show on the right side the loan amount and monthly payment. The graph even shows the impact interest rates and terms have on the total cost of the loans, making it even easier to choose the best option for you.

Please note that the auto loan comparison calculator does not account for taxes, documentation fees, and registration costs. A safe assumption is to add about 10% to your estimated vehicle purchase price to cover extra costs associated with the purchase of a vehicle.

New/Used Auto Lowest APR Rates 

Table comparing different rates
Effective date: March 15, 2024 Lowest APR
Effective date: March 15, 2024
New Auto
Lowest APR
Used Auto
Lowest APR

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