Knowing what term you need to get the monthly payment you want can save you a lot of time when you visit the car lot. Using our car payment comparison calculator to determine the term you need to get close to your ideal monthly payment lets you focus on shopping for the best vehicle in your price range.
Start on the left side of the calculator below and either adjust the sliders or enter the exact value for the vehicle loan you want and for variables like the sales tax, value of your trade-in, and down payment.
As you change the values on the left, the calculator will show on the right side the monthly payment amount for loan terms of 12, 24, 36, 48 and 60 months. This view is a great way to see the impact the loan term has on the size of your monthly payment.
Please note that our auto loan calculator does not account for all taxes, documentation fees, and registration costs. A safe assumption is to add about 10% to your estimated vehicle purchase price to cover extra costs associated with the purchase of a vehicle.
New/Used Auto Lowest APR Rates
Effective date: March 15, 2024 | Lowest APR |
Effective date: March 15, 2024 | |
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