For sale sign in front of house

7 Insider Tips When You’re Ready to Sell Your House

Whether you’re upgrading or downsizing or just moving across town, the logistics of selling your house are crucial in getting the most for your property. Below are some great insider tips on how to sell your house quickly, and at the best possible price.

Sell your house in Spring. Timing, as they say, is everything. And that’s especially true when it comes to selling your home. In most markets, the heavy house buying and selling begins as Spring arrives and lasts through August. This gives buyers and sellers time to work through the financial pieces and everyone moved before the new school year starts. It is also the most reliable weather for buyers to get out and go see potential houses.

Start from the outside. After ‘location, location, location,’  ‘curb appeal’ is the most important term in real estate. Go stand out in the street and look at your house as if you were arriving for the first time. Is the entrance welcoming, uncluttered and clean? Is the yard trimmed? Is the house - roof, paint, windows - look well-maintained and up to date? It doesn’t hurt to give the front door a coat of paint just to make sure it stands out.

Prepare for a grand entrance. Real estate experts say most home buyers make up their mind in the first 30 seconds after entering a house, so those first steps inside are crucial. If your foyer or entrance way isn’t a top feature, make sure would-be buyers can transition through it quickly and get to your best room as soon as possible.

Stage your house. Research shows that staging your house can boost your sale price 1-5%. Nowadays, most good real estate agents have professional ‘stagers’ who will prep it for sale. But you can consult a stager for a couple hundred dollars and do it yourself, too!

Declutter and clean. This is crucial whether your house is staged or not. Make sure each room becomes a showroom. Countertops in the kitchen need to be cleared of everything but the essentials. Book cases need to be cleared. Keep your house spic and span while it’s on the market. Many pros suggest decking out your dining room so it looks like you’re going to have a dinner party within the hour. Here’s some more tips on staging your house.

Space sells: Store your stuff. Put all your excess stuff in a storage unit. Buyers will be looking everywhere in your house, so there’s no place to hide what you’ve cleared. And that goes not just for furniture, but clothes. Thin out your closets and cabinets as much as possible.

Smell is important. Make sure your house doesn’t smell like your dog or cat, or the fried fish you had for dinner last night. Baking up some cookies or bread is an easy solution.

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